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Reduced Opera Orchestrations
Reduced orchestration of Faust by Gounod
Our arrangement of Gounod's Faust is for single wind, 2 horns and trumpet. Percussion and string parts are as the composer wrote them.
1(Picc),1(CA),1,1 - 2,1,0,0 TPH Org Strings
Percussion is Side Drum, Triangle, Tam-Tam, Cymbals, Bass Drum
The score has been entirely re-engraved. Click here to see a few sample pages. The file will open in a new window.
Please note that great care has been taken to ensure that this arrangement is compatible with all the vocal scores we know of. Siebel's Aria is enclosed in the correct place. The cut in Valentin's death scene is available, though this is almost always cut. The additional section by another hand in the Bote and Bocke score is omitted.
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